Monday, October 11, 2010

What is K9 Advantix For Dogs?

It is that season when fleas are out attacking your poor innocent dog along with you and your family. You have to take control of the problem. It is best if you can do something before the problem starts but that is not always the case. But there are products for both cases. You can always ask your veterinarian about what treatment is best for your pet.

K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix repels and kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes with imidacloprid and permethrin. It stops fleas from biting within a couple of minutes. K9 Advantix kills flea larvae which prevents them from developing into adult fleas and that breaks the flea life cycle. It prevents ticks from even attaching. It repels and kills the ticks before they can even attach. So with that, you reduce the potential risk of a tick-transmitted disease from spreading. It also repels mosquitoes. It repels and kills them before they bite. K9 Advantix prevents disease causing organisms to spread to your pets and keeps them protected. You apply K9 Advantix once a month on the nap of their necks. Very easy to apply. Never use this product on cats. You can purchase K9 Advantix from a veterinarian, call your veterinarian to see if they offer this product.

Frontline and Frontline Plus

Frontline is longer lasting than other brands and is water resistant. Kills flea for one month. Frontline is even gentle enough to use on puppies and kittens as young as 8 weeks old. You can also use this product on pregnant and nursing dogs. Comes in a spray form or a topical application in Frontline and Frontline Plus. The frontline spray is an awesome product for your home. You can spray it on your pets or anywhere in your home to kill fleas. No odor or fumes to worry about. It is typically used for quick treatments. Frontline kills fleas and ticks while Frontline Plus kills fleas, ticks, flea eggs, and larvae and prevents re-infestation. You can buy from your local veterinarian. And it is now available at Target.


Revolution is another monthly topical solution for your dog. It protects your dog from heartworms, fleas, ear mites, ticks and sarcoptic mange. Safe for dog's ages 6 weeks and over. Side effects are very uncommon with the use of Revolution. Do not use Revolution if your dog is on any other heartworm treatment. You can ask your veterinarian about Revolution.

dogs advantix

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